Thursday, August 21, 2014

astable multivibrator circuit using two transistors (led flasher)

INTRODUCTION Astable multivibrator circuit is a circuit whose output level is not stable. the output of the circuit is high and low alternately. the circuit below is very interesting and there are two leds which glows turn by turn. ie they blick turn by turn. CIRCUIT DIAGRAM WORKING OF THE CIRCUIT the above circuit work based on two properties of the two components. 1. capacitor stores charges when DC is applied across it.when charging a capacitor, direct current flows through capacitor.when capacitor is charged two third, then current stops flowing. when its discharged upto one third then current again flows through it. 2. when current is supplied to the base region of the transistor, then current starts to flow from collector to emitter of the transistor because transistor is current controlled device. This condition of the transistor is called saturation. again when base current is not supplied to the transistor, then current doesnot flow through collector to emitter of the transistor which is called cut off .. lets look at the following diagram when capacitor 1 is charging note that led2 is glowing since transistor 1 gets base current when capacitor 1 is charging being transistor 1 on... when capacitor 2 is charging still if you have any confusion about making this circuit, you can comment here... thanks for your visit in this blog.

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